Mohammed Rafy and Mohammed Saeed moved to Dubai, UAE from Bangalore, India to start a micromobility & electric scooter sharing startup called Sahal, which means easy in arabic.In the prototype stage with an app, backend management and a purpose-built scooter with a swappable battery after 9 months both of them decided to pivot to a B2B logistics company to support big and small scooter operators.This was a move after analyzing how hard it was to become operationally profitable as a standalone e-scooter sharing startup.It was challenging as no e-scooter startups were getting approved by relevant transport authority in the UAE which meant no business for us to support those startups and we were running out of funds.Mohammed Rafy currently works
with a scooter sharing company in UAE in their marketing & growth team and Mohammed Saeed decided to move back to Bangalore to restart his software/hardware development consultancy.You can find Mohammed Rafy and Mohammed Saeed on LinkedIn and Twitter.It was indeed a great journey working on a startup in a mobility space. We know micromobilty is here to stay and will literally change how people move in a city. If you are interested in learning/knowing about micromobility or you want to build any product you can always reach out to us.Until next time